Friday, October 12, 2007

This is post number two... as I 've nothing better to do.

Recently I was out checking the bushes in our garden for centipedes.
Yes.., I said centipedes. They are everywhere.
It was during my search that I came across these two faces smiling back at me.

We have had a rash of centipede attacks this year - six encounters, four of which took place inside the house! In the future, I will post photos of the centipedes as well as any other frightening insects that I encounter from day to day.

Anyway, I can't imagine who was behind this cute "tagging" of our garden, but I only found the two leaves and didn't have the heart to cut them down the next day while trimming the bushes. I will keep you updated on my adventures in the garden.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

This is post number one... isn't this a lot of fun.

Honestly, this picture is not staged. This is not one of those life-like dolls or creepy Japanese robots. What you are seeing is the real thing.

We found this lovely item in the discount sales bin. Come on, at just ¥5,499 who wouldn't want one of these? You might expect to see something like this on the Chinese black market, but it's completely unexpected at the local Toys"R"us.

Unfortunately, a nearby couple picked it up before we even had the chance. If only I hadn't spent so much time looking for discounted Planet of the Apes toys. "Damn, dirty apes!"